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Implant Retained Dentures

Many people are plagued with ill-fitting dentures. They can cause pain and embarrassing situations and make it difficult to eat. When your dentures do not fit properly, you may acquire sores caused by rubbing or have to limit yourself to certain foods just to make sure that your dentures stays put. Pastes and gels are not a good long-term solution for most people, and dealing with difficult dentures can really decrease your enjoyment of life.

Implant-retained dentures utilize several strategically placed dental implants to hold your denture in place.
When you choose to have implant dentures, you are making a decision that supports your health because they can help you to retain your remaining bone. Bone retention is important for your health, as well as your appearance.

How Dental Implants Work

If Dr. Tam, determines that you are a good candidate for a dental implant, he will work with one of the most highly skilled oral surgeons or periodontist in the area so that you have the best outcome possible. The specialist will place your dental implants and we will allow them time to heal completely. While it is possible to restore some dental implants immediately, in most cases, we allow them to heal for several months before placing a denture.

Once your healing period is complete, Dr. Tam will create a custom implant denture that blends seamlessly with your smile.

Call us for a Dental Implant Consultation!

If you would like to learn more about dental implant go to www.designmyimplant.com, enter access code 2A-16-57-56.  Or you can call us for a consultation.
